October 22, 2018

Scholarship Application

Applications for 2025 are open until 11:59 pm on February 28, 2025 PST.
Thanks for your interest in a Stripes to Bars scholarship. If you have questions or concerns with the following application process please email us at apply@stripestobars.org. Note that your data will be lost if you navigate away from this page without submitting. Please review the entire application prior to starting the process.
Basic information
Scholarship Path:
Prior S2B Funding:
Career Track: For veterans transitioning to a career in aviation. S2B's scholarships may be used for any pilot or instructor certificate, as well as A&P, air traffic controller and dispatcher. Applicants must hold an appropriate medical certificate for their long term goals. In most cases, pilots on a career track will require a First or Second Class medical certificate.
Non-Career Track: For veterans seeking to utilize the structure and challenge of aviation to aid the transition from the military to civilian life. S2B's scholarships may be used for Private, Instrument and Multi-engine ratings. Applicants are required to hold a Third Class medical certificate or the ability to operate under the provisions of BasicMed.
Are you currently training at the United Aviate Academy?

Military Service
Discharge Status:
High School Education
Did You Graduate
College Education
Did You Graduate
Other Education (i.e. Post-graduate, vocational)
Did You Graduate
Please list three professional references.
First Reference
Second Reference
Third Reference

Instructions: Please use this section to let us know which certifications you currently hold and which certification you are currently looking for us to help fund. For the "Certificate Sought" column please indicate the next step in your training. We understand you may be looking to obtain multiple certifications, for this section we are interested in your immetiade next step.

Stripes to Bars scholarships are general aviation scholarships and can be used for certification in any aviation field. Please use the "other" field if you are looking for certificaiton outside of pilots' licenses.

Certificates Held Certificate Sought
(for this applicaiton)
Fixed WingRotaryFixed WingRotary
Private Pilot
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)
Certified Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII)
Multi-Engine Instructor
Training Goals
Do you have a training site identified
Personal Response

Instructions: This section is your oppurtunity to tell us more about yourself, and help us understand why you are the best candidate to recieve our funding support. We are looking for candites with a compelling need, strong follow through, and who are looking to better themselves through aviation training. Keep in mind we support veterens who are both career and non-career minded, and use this section as an oppurtunity to let us know how these funds will really help you.

There is one short income question, and several essay queastions. We recommend all essay responses have a total word count of 300-1000 words combined. We impose a hard limit of 1,000 words for your combined responses.

Note on AI: We want to hear from you, not an algorithm. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their own work. Content determined to be AI generated will be taken into consideration during the grading process.

Word Count: 0/1000
Word Count: 0/1000
Word Count: 0/1000
Total Word Count: 0/1000
Required Files

Upload your required documentation here. All documents must be pdf's and <5 mb in size. Limit 1 file per field. You will need:

  • A commander’s letter of recommendation (Current Servicemembers) or professional letter of recommendation (Discharged Veterans)
  • DD214 (Discharged Veterens) or service record (Current Servicemembers)
  • A copy of your FAA Meddical Certificate - The medical class of your certificate should reflect your long term goals, i.e. a pilot interested in becoming an airline captain should upload a 1st class medical.
  • A professional resume
Disclaimer and Signature
  • By clicking submit I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  • By clicking submit I understand that false or misleading information in my application may result in my disqualification to receive scholarship funding from Stripes to Bars.